====== Smarty ====== ==== Conditions ==== $this->context->smarty->assign('canUpload', false); {if $canUpload == true} ... {else} ... {/if} http://www.smarty.net/docsv2/en/language.function.if.tpl On peut utiliser les **(int) $variable** (ou **{$variable|intval}**) ==== Print_r une variable ====
> The @ tells smarty to pass the entire array to the modifier rather than calling the modifier for each element of the array. Smarty also ships with a modifier that does similar to print_r(): {$foo|@debug_print_var}. You may also consider smarty's debug facility (which you can enable in-template by inserting a {debug} tag or you can enable by configuring the Smarty object appropriately -- see the docs for more info) **Debug mode**\\ Ajouter dans un template : {debug} **Choper l'index d'un foreach** {foreach $products as $product} $product@index Put that index into an array : **$carriers.{$option@index}.id_carrier}** **Appel d'une fonction php :** {Customer::hadCustomerInvested({$cart->id_customer}, {$product.id_product})} {assign var='projet_date' value=date_parse($product.date_debut)} {assign var='months' value=['','janvier', 'février', 'mars', 'avril', 'mai', 'juin', 'juillet', 'août', 'septembre', 'octobre', 'novembre', 'décembre']} Ouverture le
{$projet_date.day} {$months.{$projet_date.month}}
**Intégrer javascript** Penser à mettre le code entre des balises {literal} pour éviter des erreurs avec les { } [[http://www.smarty.net/docsv2/en/language.function.literal.tpl|Doc]] ==== Créer une variable ==== [[http://nemops.com/prestashop-functions-5/#.VjSHDLfnvmg|1]] [[http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36650203/prestashop-access-php-variable-in-a-js-file-which-is-hooked-in-header|2]] __PHP__ Media::addJsDef(array('var_name' => $variable)); Media::addJsDef( array('time_remaining' => $time_remaining) ); __Smarty__ : voir lien 1 {addJsDef wishlistProductsIds=$wishlist_products} {addJsDef mySliderCount=7} ==== Récupérer des globales PHP ==== [[http://www.smarty.net/docs/en/language.variables.smarty.tpl|Check dat]] === Restriction par IP === {if $smarty.server.REMOTE_ADDR == ''} {debug} {/if}